Bowling Club
Bridge Club
Cricket Club
Indoor Bowls
Sports Centre
Horticultural Association
Fifty Plus Club
Flower Club
Golf Club
New Forest & District 9v9 Youth Football League
New Forest Model Railway Society
New Forest Scottish Country Dancers
Nordic Walking Brockenhurst
Rugby Club, Brockenhurst
Twinning Association
Women's Institute
Brockenhurst Village Hall enquiries 01590 622580
Brockenhurst Bowling Club
Brockenhurst Bowling Club has been welcoming bowlers since 1936 and still has some of the lowest membership fees in the New Forest. We enter both men’s and women’s leagues and county competitions and play a number of friendly matches against visiting clubs.
Our facilities include an attractive licensed lounge bar and during the closed winter season we have a social programme where we get together for quizzes, skittles and coffee mornings.
New members of all ages and abilities are welcome.
For more information ring Steve on 07720 344 133 or
Email :
Brockenhurst Bridge Club
A friendly, informal club where all abilities are welcome. We will be running an 8 week beginner’s course, starting in February 2022. This will also be suitable for those who have played and would like a gentle re-introduction to bridge. If you would like to come along or find out more, please contact the Village Hall Office or visit our website.
Price: £2 per afternoon. Time: 2pm to 5pm, every Thursday
Village Hall
Village Hall Office
Tel: 01590 622580
Brockenhurst Cricket Club
Brockenhurst Cricket Club is located in the centre of the New Forest National Park and play on the open forest at Balmer Lawn. The scenic surroundings of our pitch provide a stunning backdrop for cricket matches throughout the summer months. Our two Saturday league teams play in Hampshire Regional Divisions against teams from Bournemouth to Southampton. Local rivals include Swan Green, Beaulieu and Burley. We also have a busy fixture list for Sundays and midweek games against regular visitors and teams touring the forest. On many occasions the players will found enjoying a barbeque and a drink on a sunny Sunday evening. We also run an indoor team in the winter to keep everyone on their toes.
We are always on the lookout for new players so get in touch using the contact us page if you are interested in joining us either as a regular player or if you just want to play every now and then.
Visit our website:
Brockenhurst Indoor Bowls
A friendly and fun way to stay active during the winter, the club runs two sessions every Friday between September and April. All are welcome including beginners, old hands and disabled players. Call Pete on 01425 621 831 or email for more information and encouragement!
Brockenhurst Sports Centre Brockenhurst College Lyndhurst Road Brockenhurst SO42 7ZE
we have a range of facilities available to the local community, including a fitness suite, pay and play badminton, pay and play basketball, tennis courts, cricket nets, five a side football and full size pitches, children’s martial arts and children’s parties.
For more information please contact 01590 625536 or email
Brockenhurst Horticultural Association 1903 - present
Catering for both new and experienced gardeners, our activities aim to be of interest to all and we look forward to seeing you soon.
Our eight meetings with guest speakers cover a wide range of topics as well as providing an opportunity to socialise with like-minded gardeners.
Competitions, seed and plant swaps
Bring along your plants or flowers for the competition of the month.
Trips to gardens further afield are a popular addition to our programme.
New members are always welcome, or just come along as a guest.
Brockenhurst Fifty Plus Club
Keep fit to music and play short tennis and table tennis from September to April. Village Hall Tuesdays 2-5 pm. Social programme throughout the year. For contact details see the Parish Magazine.
Brockenhurst Twinning Association
Twinned with Pont St. Martin, Loire Atlantique, France, to promote mutual understanding and friendship between our two communities by exchanges involving all our residents, active groups and organisations and to encourage particularly our young people to visit each other so that they may experience more easily the different cultures, traditions and aspirations of our two communities.
L'association de Jumelage de Brockenhurst
Jumelee avec Pont St. Martin, Loire Atlantique, France, pour encourager l'amitie et une entente réciproque entre nos deux communautés au moyen d'échanges entre tous nos habitants et les groupes et associations qui y remplissent un role et particulierement nos jeunes gens a se rendre mutuellement visite afin qui'ils puissent plus aisément acquérir l'expérience des différentes cultures, traditions et aspirations de nos deux pays.
Brockenhurst Flower Club
We meet on 3rd Monday at the Village Hall at 2p.m(except August).
Each month we are entertained by a professional demonstrator showing us their artistic Flower Arrangements followed by refreshments. A friendly & relaxing way to spend a Monday afternoon.Members & visitors are all made very welcome ---come & see!!!
Contact Jan Clarke
Golf Club
Contact: The Secretary, Brockenhurst Manor Golf Club, Sway Road Tel. 01590-623332
New Forest & District 9v9 Youth Football League
The New Forest 9v9 Youth Football League is proud to be the only dedicated Youth Boys Football competition within the Forest. Presently at the U11 age group children will go from playing mini soccer (7v7), to playing 11v11 on many occasions on adult pitches. By offering 9v9 offers a more gradual progression from Mini Soccer through to playing on adult pitches with full size.
If your child or your team are looking to play 9v9 football in the Forest please contact Neil Jolliffe on 01256 853016 or alternatively email
New Forest Model Railway Society
New Forest Model Railway Society is a friendly club who meet every Tuesday from 7pm till 10pm at Brockenhurst Village Hall, Highwood Rd off Sway Rd, Brockenhurst Hants. SO42 7RY
There are layouts in n,00 & 0 gauges with both steam & modern interests catered for . Casual visitors are always welcome but please contact us if you are planning to visit in July or August.
We also have 2 public events each year, one at the end of May and the other at the end of November.
More details can be found at our web site
New Forest Scottish Country Dancers
Have fun, make friends and keep fit!
Not only is Scottish country dancing great fun, it’s also a good way to make new friends. Some people claim, too, that it burns up the calories and can even ward off depression!
The New Forest Scottish Country Dancers meet on Wednesdays during term time at the Methodist Church Hall, Avenue Road, Brockenhurst. The class is ideal for beginners so, if you fancy having a go, why not come along? Teachers Ron Watson and Maggie Morgan will soon have newcomers jigging and reeling alongside the more experienced class members.
Visitors are also welcome so, if you are on holiday in the area, do come along and join us for the evening. (Please phone first to check that we are meeting.) See below for contact details.
The class members who make up the NFSCD’s display team have been busy, as usual. January sees them performing at four Burns' Nights, including providing the entertainment for a special weekend break at the Forest Park Hotel in Brockenhurst. Other recent appearances include a village fetes, ceilidhs and providing displays for a range of community groups and care homes
Nordic Walking Brockenhurst
Nordic walking in and around Brockenhurst, Sway, Beaulieu, Burley, Lymington, Lyndhurst, Ashurst, Linwood, Fritham, Milford and Barton.
Group walks scheduled twice a day, 5 days a week.
Learn to Nordic Walk sessions weekly.
Guided adventure walks twice a month.
All levels of abilities catered for.
Well behaved dogs welcome on selected walks.
Instructors are fully qualified & first aid certified.
All of our routes are risk assessed for your safety.
Contact for more information: 07903 772181 or 01590 622787
If you would like us to appear at your event, please get in touch. You will find contact details below.
We occasionally organise events ranging from informal social evenings to our formal Christmas Ball. Visit our website for details.
Classes are held on Wednesdays at the Methodist Church Hall, Avenue Road, Brockenhurst, starting at 7.45pm, and cater for all standards of dancer. Beginners are welcomed, as are visitors. We also hold fortnightly classes for more experienced dancers – if you think this may be you, contact us for further details.
There is no need to wear any special clothing, although soft, flat shoes are advisable. You don’t need to bring a partner, either – come along on your own or with a friend.
Secretary Claire Wickens Tel. 023 8028 2468
Brockenhurst Pilates Yoga
Pilates machinework, matwork & Yoga
One to one and small groups. Suitable for those new to exercise as well as sports people and those in need of remedial work. Caroline's unique approach blends haer knowledge of Yoga, Pilates and other holistic disciplines to provide training for strength, flexibility, mobility and correction of misalignments with pilates machines providing extra precision and support.
New Pilates Yoga Fusion Classes with Caroline Stephens of Brockenhurst Pilates and Yoga
5 weeks 2.15 - 3.30 Boyd Physio Lymington Tuesday 22nd April
4 weeks 9.00 - 10.00 St Saviours Church Hall Brockenhurst Tuesday 29th April
Rugby Club, Brockenhurst
Contact: Peter White, Tel. 01590-623203
E-mail -
Fixture List - out soon
Brockenhurst Women's Institute
Village Hall , second Monday of the month at 7.30 pm. Please see notice board in Brookley Road for details.
If you have a Club in Brockenhurst please e-mail with details.